April 06, 2010

Will Your Relationships Bring You Abundance?

From: Millionaire Mommy Next Door's blog

I�m going to share something with you today that you really need to understand � on a gut level � before you can be rich and happy. Are you ready? Here it is:

Even if you learn ALL there is to know about money (how to make it, save it, invest it), if your relationships with others OR YOURSELF are dysfunctional, you will NEVER reach your full abundance potential.

I write to express myself and to share the steps I take to live a fuller, richer, happier life. By doing so, I actively practice my intentions and keep aligned on what is important to me. It brings a higher caliber of relationships into my life, and it gives me the strength to deal with the occasional curve ball thrown my way.

Here are some of the valuable lessons I�ve learned through the University of Hard Knocks:

We become the company we keep. Like attracts like. Be negative and you�ll attract negativity; be positive and you will attract positive relationships into your life.

Limit your exposure to toxic people. We all have them � friends, family or co-workers � that seem hell-bent on bringing us down to their level. Immunize yourself from their poison by maintaining healthy personal boundaries. Don�t be a martyr, learn to say no. When someone near you behaves badly, don�t engage with them � walk away if you must. Be a positive role model instead. Perhaps you�ll inspire them (when they are personally ready) by modeling a different, healthier attitude.

Envy and jealousy will get you exactly what you don�t want. Acknowledge these feelings, then release them and let go. Compare yourself not to others, but only to your best self.

Don�t be pressured into humility. Definitions of humble include: cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of low or inferior in station or quality marked by meekness or modesty. These definitions don�t fit with a healthy, positive self-esteem, do they?

Choose to use different language. The language you use directs your actions and therefore the path your life takes.

Avoid three dirty little words: try, can�t, and but.

When someone asks, �how are you?� don�t whine back, �I stepped in dog puke getting out of bed this morning, then I burned my toast, and now I gotta suffer through a dentist appointment��. Instead, respond with something that is joyfully perfect in your world like, �I just had the best grilled cheese sandwich for lunch!�

Limit your exposure to mass media. Pull the plug on bad news. Be selective � record uplifting, humorous and educational programs and keep the boob-tube turned off otherwise. I don�t know who was murdered, what poor child was abducted and from where and who blew up how many people today, and you know what? I don�t want to know!

Focus on the bright side of life. I promise � there is always a bright side! What you think about is what you will get. Practice this skill by keeping a gratitude journal.

Stop looking in the rear view mirror. Live your life from this day forward.

Visit The Secret and Law of Attraction and Personal Development in the 21st Century ....
[Source: Personal Development for the 21st Century]

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