April 05, 2010

Acknowledge Your Accomplishments

If you�ve been raised to act respectful and "proper," it�s probably been instilled in you at some point in your upbringing that modesty is a virtue. You shouldn�t point out all the things you�ve accomplished or sing your own praises too loudly.

Rubbish! ;-)

Be thrilled and proud of what you�ve done. Keep a list of your accomplishments. When you accomplish something and when you succeed at something, don�t file it away somewhere. Don�t keep it a secret. Do acknowledge it. Do celebrate.

That can be difficult to do sometimes. We�re taught to be humble. If we�ve done something well, we don�t want to appear arrogant by bringing it up.

But, if you�re actually on the path to doing what you really want in life, I say, shout it from the roof tops. Or, at least keep a list.

Why should you do this? Because we never hesitate to point out where we fail. We always seem to recognise what hasn�t been done, what could have been done better, what wasn�t a good idea. Yes, it is important to know these things because they will help you to succeed by learning from the past and your mistakes.

But it�s equally important to know where you�ve succeeded, what you�ve done well. Recognising the positive results you achieve will give you confidence in your abilities to make decisions and perform your job. It will also keep you on track and focused.

Acknowledging your successes keeps you motivated. And motivation is essential so keep a log of your accomplishments.

When you, and the people around you who are impacted by your actions, see your accomplishments, right there in print, it just brings everything into focus.

Accomplishment and success is about so much more than money. One accomplishment might be that you landed an extraordinary client. One might be that your business revenue has doubled in six months. And, it�s not all about work either. One of your accomplishments could be that you were able to attend your child�s school function because you scheduled your own office hours.

Don�t play down, and do not underestimate what you�re doing. You should congratulate yourself and tap yourself on the back for following your passion, and living life on your terms. Acknowledge your accomplishments.

And, you are accomplishing something else too. You are setting an example for the next generation. When they can visually see what you�ve done, they will be inspired to pursue their own passions.

They will have living proof that anything is possible.

� Copyright Frederique Murphy, 2009


� Copyright Frederique Murphy, 2009 - Frederique Murphy publishes her weekly M3 Power newsletter for individuals who want to take their life and their business to a whole new level! She believes that a strong mindset gives you the power to move mountains and, shares her free tips and teaches exactly how to do that in her newsletters - Sign up now!

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[Source: Personal Development for the 21st Century]

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